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Oprah Winfrey calls the book---The Power of Now "a wake-up call for the entire planet, one reader at a time. It helps us to stop creating our own suffering and obsessing over the past and what the future might be, and to put ourselves in the now."
in other words ,can i feel that my hands are there without touching anything 换句话说,在不触碰的情况下,我能感觉到双手的存在吗?
Eckhart Tolle 埃克哈特·托利
8pm 13jun 2017 Wisodm on Cloud
2017年6月13日 晚8时 智慧店 wechat微信联络 :ultwis
============================================== the more you are able to honor and accept the Now, the more you are free of pain, of suffering — and free of the egoic mind. 你能够尊重和接受当下的程度越高,你免于痛苦和受苦——免于我执心智的程度就越大。
Eckhart Tolle 埃克哈特·托利
2017 06jun 8pm Wisodm on CLoud
2017年6月6日 晚8时 智慧店 wechat微信联络 :ultwis
people would occasionally come up to me and say: "I want what you have. Can you give it to me, or show me how to get it" And I would say: "You have it already. You just can't feel it because your mind is making too much noise." 时而有人来找我说:“我想要你所拥有的,你可不可以给我,或者教我怎么获得?”我会对他们说:“你已经有了。只是因为你头脑太吵,所以感觉不到而已。”
Eckhart Tolle 埃克哈特·托利
2017 0530 8pm Wisodm on CLoud
2017年5月30日 晚8时 智慧店 wechat微信联络 :ultwis
As it is, I would say about 8o to 90 percent of most people's thinking is not only repetitive and useless,由此看来,我敢说大多数人的思考中,有百分之八十到九十,都是翻来覆去、一无是处的东西。 The gift of thought is the most precious thing we have. Without it, we would just be another species of animal.思想是我们最珍贵的天赋。人没有了思想,只是变成另一种动物罢了。
8PM Tuesday Night 23May,2017 Wisdom on Cloud 本周二五月23日 晚8时 智慧店
Make it a habit to ask yourself. What’s going on inside me at this moment 要习惯性地自问:“这一刻,我的内在发生了什么事?”
A simple ,vivid and soft soft touch of the ancient, orient meditation in a unique way , with the special presentation of the video and talk of all kinds human wisdom
It is not a meditation class , it is an experience of showing what we feel about the mind and universe. It is a chance for you to reveal the mystery of mind and unlimit It is an invitation for you to come and join . It is a Wisdom on Cloud event , no charge All in English.
WHEN it happen
Every Tuesday night around 8:00pm , no rush
WHERE to find us
Wisdom on Cloud 2nd Floor , Back door of No.100, Daxue Road , Shapowei ,Xiamen
Wisdom on Cloud
An imaginary space in the real world Full of art and culture elements and activities , include but not limit to film show, photography , music show, painting gallery , gathering ,parties,etc Friends meet ,of course
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