地址 | 厦门市思明区大学路沙坡尾60号(艺术西区内白色主楼一层) No.60 Daxue Road, Shapowei, Siming Dis., Xiamen (First floor of the main building in Shapower Artzone)
接连亮相欧洲各重要音乐节,与Mogwai、Godspeed You!Black Emperor, Battles, MONO等同台。
今年2月携新专《Come To Mexico》进行墨西哥巡演,并登陆拉丁历史最悠久的后摇/数摇音乐节Forever Alone音乐节,再次与Caspian, This Will Destroy You同台。
2017年,法国后摇新贵Totorro首次中国巡演,MAO Live倾情呈现!
Jonathan (guitar)
Christophe (guitar)
Xavier (bass)
Bertrand (drummer)
让我们沿着时间线把时针先拨回到2008年,Totorro出版了第一张同名EP《TotorRo》。2011年,极具张力的All Glory To John Baltor面世(由东京Jupiter Records发行)。而后,Totorro与Mogwai同台并确立了自己在后摇滚世界中的地位。这支由四位法国男孩组成的乐队将后摇滚与Envy式的screamo和American Football那样美妙的旋律完美结合。这样的一种双重性让他们打破了后摇滚的束缚,创造出了既激烈引人、又轻快跳跃的音乐。在舞台上四个男孩演奏默契,观众总是在拍手惊叹的同时对他们默契的表演会心一笑。基本没有唱词(或很少情况下有),Totorro的音乐以器乐为主却从不让人生厌,复杂却总是抓耳。
全新专辑《Come To Mexico》尝试描绘出一副海边热浪的愿景,似一株株生机蓬勃的仙人掌沐浴着阳光。贝斯是温和的,鼓声是厚重的,主音吉他微妙的旋律穿过节奏吉他的和弦,相互配合得十分完美。每一个乐器在乐队中都起着不可或缺的作用。它不同于我们曾听过的任何一张后摇专辑,早已突破了后摇的界限,甚至突破了器乐表演的界限,有着前所未有的画面故事感和听觉体验。今年2月,在墨西哥进行巡演的他们,极富感染力的现场表现更是令乐迷折服。4月底,Totorro将首次造访中国,让我们结伴而行,一起去现场感受墨西哥热浪与法兰西男孩的奇异碰撞!
嘉宾:THE 尺口MP
Totorro is one unique band. Hard to classify. Instrumental music that tells you stories, that makes you feel special, special sensations, special emotions. It is complicated, but it is catchy! Like a magical maths teacher who makes you love maths in a magical way. No singer. Some people say it is "math rock". When you watch the two guitar players (Christophe Le Flohic and Jonathan Siche), the bass player (Xavier Rose), and the drummer (Bertrand James), everything just match so perfectly, like if they were living together for ever. It is solid.
Their first album, "Home Alone", out in April 2014, is some kind of synthesis of Totorro. The roots of this growing tree. Its music says "come in our rollercoaster, we're gonna have fun". And it works! Fans of Beyoncé, fans of Sonic Youth, fans of the most specific math-rock band, everyone get caught!
October 2016 was exciting: here comes Totorro's second album: "Come to Mexico". Like the Chapter II of the amazing previous chapter, the band develops their heavy, technical but fresh, fun, smart music. Like a perfect lemonade under massive sun. 本活动是由 逛鹭岛 小编 通过网络收集而来的厦门城市活动,厦门城市生活主题推荐。 您若也有需要分享的可以直接在我们网站上分享你的内容,让大家都知道。 版权声明,本活动信息隶属网络收集而来若有侵权请联系我们,我们将及时清除信息。
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