乐队首张 EP《Killerwhale》一经推出就在短时间内售罄。2008 年,Immanu El发行了处女作《They' ll Come, They Come》。2009 年末,第二张唱片《Moen》由 And The Sound Records 全球发行。两年之后,乐队推出第三张专辑《In Passage》。自首张专辑发行以来,Immanu El在30个国家和地区呈现了300多场演出,成为斯堪的纳维亚半岛最富盛名的乐队之一。
2016年末,历经漫长的法律诉讼等坎坷,Immanu El终于得以推出全新大碟——《Hibernation》,由Glitter House Records发行。Immanu El投入了前所未有的时间与精力悉心打磨新作,他们邀请到曾获瑞典格莱美提名的制作人Johan Eckeborn操刀。初春时节,几个男孩在意大利托斯卡纳的山顶租下一间录音室,在那里花了两个星期时间与Johan Eckeborn一起展开录制,最终出落成这张动人心魄的新作《Hibernation》。
首支单曲《Voices》惊艳亮相,单曲MV脚本来自艾美奖得主Jeff Pinilla 创作拍摄的短电影《The Earth The Way I Left It》,讲述了一个感人至深的故事:从小梦想成为宇航员的弟弟在车祸中丧生,而在姐姐的梦中,弟弟变成了一名宇航员,历经艰难跋涉回到了家。美好的回忆和残酷的现实相互交织。《Voices》溢出深邃凄美的悲伤,音乐在宽广的音景氛围中将痛苦、孤独与救赎娓娓道来,乐曲与影片节奏咬合,相互交织,令人动容。
Immanu El长期活跃在各国顶级音乐节,乐队曾受邀参加奥斯汀SXSW音乐节,汉堡Reeperbahn音乐节,洛杉矶Filter's Culture Collide 音乐节,纽约CMJ Music Marathon,多伦多音乐周,以及北京上海草莓音乐节。2016年,Immanu El还作为嘉宾乐队与后摇大牌Explosions in the Sky共同展开欧洲巡演,乐队更是将此次巡演的柏林现场制作成短纪录片,在中国巡演即将开始之际,同中国乐迷分享。
New Noise is very proud to present a 5 city China tour for Swedish dream pop pioneers Immanu El to present their new masterpiece “Hibernation”. Putting more time and focus into the production than ever before, Immanu El worked with Swedish Grammy nominated producer Johan Eckeborn and managed to create something unique, developing the sound of the band and making the songs more compelling and exciting than ever. Hibernation has brought a new level of grandeur and simplicity to Immanu El’s music, making them one of Sweden’s most interesting musical exports of the last years. Hibernation is a beautiful well crafted piece of art, leaping over the treshold to the most talented quarters of dreamy postrock, where you can find a priceless presence.
Immanu El has reached to the forefront as one of Scandinavia’s most prominent bands, touring together with Explosions in the Sky and headlining festivals in Europe and the US. After touring China, including two festivals slots at Strawberry Festival in 2013, we are very excited to invite Immanu El back to China. The band will play a magical live set that will take you straight to a northern winter wonderland.
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