Made possible by: 感谢以下单位及个人对此驻馆项目及展览的大力支持 Vleeshal Fonds Kwadraat
Thanks for support by purchasing the special edition: 感谢以下个人收藏我作品的特别版本 Anneke Assen, A. Beenhakker, Annemiek Fanoy and Erik van In, Conny de Lange, Ida Doorenweerd and Leo Faase, J. van der Laer, Kees Wijker, Monique Wilschut and Bas Peeperkorn, Nelleke Philipo, Tom van den Berge and Joyce van Elzakker, V. van der Willigen, William Verstraeten.
For help and donations: 感谢以下个人的帮助及捐献 Bram de Jonge, Ferial and Paul Kwant, Joke Midavaine, Hans Bommelje, Hedi Hornstra. Koos Midavaine, Katinka Jesse, Anne-Marie van Sprang, Matty Bakker, Liesbeth Minderhoud, Antoinette Slagboom. Nicole Bianchet for renting and making good use of my studio.
In Xiamen: 感谢以下厦门朋友的支持 May Lee and Ineke Gudmundson of the CEAC Haitao, Anneke, Emilie Hudig and Renette, WeiNa, Marije and Eve, Ton and Gees Zwerver, Sophie and Bill, Melody and Marc.
Special thanks to my loved ones: 特别感谢我的至亲们 Barend, Kesi and Cobus
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