乐队于2016年在厦门成立。乐队风格在流行、朋克与独立摇滚间转换自如,舞台风格活泼轻快。乐队成员有阿豹(中国,吉他)、罗痞(英国,鼓手)、杰西(美国,键盘)和威廉(美国,贝司)。乐队名来自于乐队成立之时袭击厦门的台风莫兰蒂(Meranti)。 Meranti was formed in Xiamen in 2016. They play a mix of pop, punk and indie in an upbeat style and a lively stage show. Their members are 阿豹 (China, guitar), 老罗 (U.K., drums), 杰西 (U.S., keyboard), and 威廉 (U.S., bass). The name Meranti (莫兰蒂) comes from a typhoon that struck Xiamen in September, 2016 when the band formed.
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