
点击数:1204 更新时间:2018-06-23 18:02:12 来源: 厦门生活、逛路岛_逛鹭岛-返回


TILT乐队的核心是知名长笛演奏家Joce Mienniel,在演奏时他擅长将自己内心的情绪通过一种令人沉醉的音乐语言表达出来。近年来,Joce Mienniel在不同的音乐领域进行着大胆的尝试,并试图将电影画面般的美学概念融入到长笛演奏之中。2016年,在享有法国爵士乐格莱美大奖盛誉的“Victoires du Jazz”中,Joce Mienniel受到“年度最佳新人奖”的提名。

Joce Mienniel is a unique flutist who is adept at sharing the emotions of his inner world in a hypnotic, electrfied voice. He had been trying to extend the exploration of instrumental music into more unknown fields, and try to construct a cinematic, pure and full aesthetic concept for several years now. Nominated to French jazz Grammy Awards Victoires du Jazz 2016 as Revelation of the year.

作为Joce Mienniel的新乐队,TILT更像是Joce Mienniel内心的游乐场,从音乐中可以感知到他丰富的想象力以及细腻的感官世界。如果要用一种颜色来定义TILT的音乐,那一定是深邃而强烈的深蓝色。乐队中的四名成员从未停止在前卫摇滚、爵士、trip-hop等多种不同的音乐类型中汲取灵感,而唯一驱使他们不断探索的动力则是一个共同的目标:在声音的实验中获得洗礼。

TILT, Joce Mienniel's new band, is an ideal playground, unexpected and very personal, which reveals his inner imaginary, giving freedom to an expressive sensuality. If there had to be deep and intense night blue. With their unique paths and musical influences, the four musicians draw on inspirations such as progressive rock, jazz, trip-hop, while remaining driven by one and only goal: immersion in sound experimentations.

Joce Mienniel

同时,乐队同名专辑《TILT》是一张精选集,其中包含了电影配乐、爵士乐、世界音乐和古典音乐等多种不同的音乐类型。Joce Mienniel认为,他的音乐就好像是一种对于单调的黑色光影的多重探索,通过这样的探索将其变成万花筒般绚烂多彩的艺术作品。而视觉影像和声音之间的紧密联系也是TILT最主要的特质。

TILT is Joce Mienniel's extensive album collection, a sensible mix of film scores and jazz, world music and classical. Joce Mienniel says his explorations of the various shades of black open his art to a kaleidoscope quality of the TILT project.

Joce Mienniel和乐队中的其他成员都是非常优秀的音乐家,他们用属于自己的方式将各自的乐器更好地融入到TILT的音乐中。鼓手Sébastien Brun的演奏方式强劲有力,如同地心引力般的敲击节奏精准且震慑人心。吉他手Guillaume Magne演奏出的音色十分宽广,Joce Mienniel的长笛同Guillaume弹奏的内容产生呼应,从而呈现出TILT音乐中遥远且广阔的感觉。Vincet Lafont在乐队总负责弹奏电气钢琴,这使得TILT的声音更具有质感以及画面感。

Joce Mienniel surrounded himself with very singular musicians in their way of playing and approaching their instrument. Sébastien Brun is on the drums. Powerful, it releases at each impact a feeling of earthly gravity as its striking is precise and heavy. Guillaume Magne is on the guitar. His wide sound and worked around the feedback is an essential element that Joce Mienniel wanted to associate with his music to accentuate this sensation of distant extended landscape. Finally, Vincent Lafont is on Fender Rhodes, which works the sound texture and builds a real narrative plot.



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