Last year, Gazetteer-Novel selected two natural villages and four urban communities for a-week-long writing residencies. Before meeting the audience, the text is displayed as its object in this temporary library. The object of the text suspends the reference to any given region and is re-catalogued in the library without any summative experience and typical feeling of misplacement, behind which, the significance of geographical or human memory disappears at this moment. The identities of the six southern villages are folded to the back of the visible text, which is not presented as a marvel or a surprise, but the author’s daily life as a traveler in somewhere else .
In the library, the curator will return to be a librarian with a feather duster - a ceremonial caretaker . Explore endlessly along the seemingly inelegant hexagonal symmetry, dust off the text and try to "measure" the distance between the author and the resident place:Did he go inside Or is he still outside the door Perhaps the librarian can ask herself this question, and this feeling of "far or close" will be involved in the path of the exhibition. Of course, the distance here is not the physical distance in the objective sense, nor does it have the ranking of good or bad.
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